Thanks to all who have commented here on my post about the Craig's List Ad for a Jewish Egg Donor.
It's clear that the sociological aspect of egg donation has had to take leaps to keep up with the advances in fertility medicine, taking us by surprise.
I still have to get my head around the donation of eggs being categorized as employment and the criteria for donation being presented as elements of candidacy for the "job."It was creative and resourceful. However, I wonder if the chosen donor will have to sign a Non-Compete Clause or signing on for unemployment benefits at the end of the agreed period. (OK, I admit, that was a bit tongue in cheek.)
One of the greatest losses that infertile couples suffer is the romantic idealism of creating a child from the loving, sexual union that surrounds an unassisted, naturally conceived pregnancy. Too many of us have been forced to utilize rather more mechanical methods, no matter how grateful we are for their existence. I am not judging the Craig's List couple's ethics. I sincerely wish them luck.
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