Temperatures in England are cooling, everyone is returning from their summer holidays and there is a September mood of "let's get down to business" in the air. Here's a little of what's in the news this week:
- I have a new, light-filled, private and cosy office in my garden which will be ready later in September for client sessions. I look forward to sharing it with you as soon as possible.
- Beyonce's having a baby! The 30-year old global star, who totally rocked Glastonbury in June this year, has proudly announced her pregnancy. It's so nice to hear some good news directly from the source, rather than the gossip magazines. I'm wishing her good health, happiness and an easy birth.
- Too posh to push? NHS North Yorkshire and York has banned elective caesarean sections on the basis that it costs twice as much (L 2,539) as a natural birth (L 1,324)and poses higher risks for mother and baby. Currently, 1/4 of British births are by C-section.
- Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis allows screening of embryos for genetic disorders. One London couple, Jay and Ami Bharvada, went through 4 cycles of IVF to find an embryo that was both free of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, and a tissue match to their son Jivan who is afflicted by the disease. Untreated, the boy would probably not live past age 10. Eventually, the couple had a daughter through IVF whose umbilical cord will contribute stem cells vital to their son's recovery. She will then provide further life-saving aid through a bone marrow donation to her brother. Now, the couple says that they will go ahead and give life to the remaining frozen embryos once their son's health improves. Their religion, Jainism, has guided them in their decision not to destroy the surplus embryos. They have launched a charity to raise awareness of storing stem cells from the umbilical cord and donating bone marrow: Chance to Live.
Do you have fears concerning a vaginal birth that you would like to conquer?
Are you faced with a huge decision about fertility treatment, storing or discarding frozen embryos?
For information about how coaching and EFT can help you, email me directly: [email protected].
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